编号 1828820 耗时 2388ms
用户 内存 1.90MB
题目 A × B Problem 分数 4
语言 C++ 状态 评测完成
长度 898B 评测机 #1
提交时间 2021-04-09 14:27:09 评测时间 2021-04-09 14:27:24
测试点 分数 耗时 内存 结果 比较日志
data0 0 1ms 1.90MB WA You have 10 answer and all is wrong.
data1 0 1ms 1.90MB WA You have 10 answer and all is wrong.
data2 10 1ms 1.90MB PC You have 10 answer and 1 is correct, total have 10 answer, so you can get 10.0% points.
data3 10 1ms 1.90MB PC You have 10 answer and 1 is correct, total have 10 answer, so you can get 10.0% points.
data4 20 2ms 1.90MB PC You have 10 answer and 2 is correct, total have 10 answer, so you can get 20.0% points.
data5 0 2386ms 1.90MB TLE
data6 0 2342ms 1.90MB TLE
data7 0 2388ms 1.90MB TLE
data8 0 2329ms 1.90MB TLE
data9 0 2348ms 1.90MB TLE